Sample preparation

Sample preparation for concentrates typically involves several steps to ensure that the sample is representative and suitable for analysis. The specific scope of activities varies depending on the type of concentrates and the intended analytical method. This is the general steps in our practices:

  • The reference standard for this procedure is ISO 10378:2016
  • Sample splitting: The received concentrate is split down to a representative laboratory sample size. A portion of the concentrate is taken and crushed to produce a smaller sample size for the next stage.
  • Crushing and Grinding: The sample is crushed and ground to a fine powder to improve homogeneity, increase surface area, and ensure that the entire sample is available for analysis.
  • Homogenization: The sample is mixed thoroughly to ensure that the entire sample is consistent and to reduce any effects of heterogeneity.
  • Drying: In order to prevent any losses or chemical reactions, the sample is dried in an oven.
  • Sieving: The homogenized, dried and ground sample is sieved to remove large particles, and obtain a more homogeneous powder.
  • Final homogenization: The sample is again mixed to ensure that any chemical treatments have been applied consistently and to further reduce the effects of any remaining heterogeneity.
  • Sample packaging: The final homogenized sample is packaged into vials or bags for storage and analysis.
  • The overall goal of these activities is to ensure that the analytical results are representative of the entire concentrate and that they are accurate, precise, and reliable

Moisture determination

Moisture determination is an important analytical technique used in the mining industry to measure the amount of water present in mineral concentrates. The presence of moisture can significantly affect the quality of the concentrate and its processing, transportation, and storage.

The ASTM and ISO have established standard methods for moisture determination in mining concentrates. ASTM standard D3302-17 and ISO standard 385-1:1984 provide guidelines for the use of the oven-drying method, which involves drying a representative sample of the concentrate at a specific temperature for a defined period.

Another method commonly used in the mining industry is the Karl Fischer titration method, which is covered in ASTM standard D6304-16 and ISO standard 14900:1998. This method involves the use of a specialized apparatus and reagents to measure the amount of water present in a sample.

Accurate moisture determination is crucial in ensuring the quality and purity of mining concentrates, as well as their safe handling and transport. Compliance with ASTM and ISO standards helps ensure reliable and consistent results across the industry.

Reference methodologies

There are several methods for moisture determination, each with their own corresponding detection limit or uncertainty. Here are some commonly used methods:

Oven-drying method: This method involves drying a sample of the material at a specific temperature for a specified period. The detection limit depends on the accuracy of the balance used to weigh the sample and the precision of the oven temperature control. Typically, the uncertainty is around 0.1% to 0.5%.

Karl Fischer titration method: This method involves the use of specialized reagents and equipment to measure the amount of water in a sample. The detection limit depends on the quality of the reagents used and the skill of the analyst performing the measurement. Typically, the uncertainty is around 0.01% to 0.1%.

Infrared (IR) method: This method measures the amount of water in a sample by analyzing the absorption of IR radiation by the sample. The detection limit depends on the quality of the equipment used and the skill of the operator performing the measurement. Typically, the uncertainty is around 0.1% to 1%.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method: This method measures the amount of water in a sample by analyzing the NMR signals of the water molecules in the sample. The detection limit depends on the quality of the NMR equipment used and the skill of the operator performing the measurement. Typically, the uncertainty is around 0.01% to 0.1%.

The detection limit and uncertainty of each method may vary depending on the specific equipment and conditions used, as well as the quality and homogeneity of the sample being analyzed. It is important to follow standardized procedures and quality control measures to ensure accurate and precise results.

Analysis of concentrates: Methodologies

In general, the elements relevant to assay for a mining trading in a concentrate material can vary depending on the specific concentrate and its source. These elements can be present in various forms in the concentrate, such as oxides, sulfides, or silicates. It is important to accurately determine the concentration of each element in the concentrate for various purposes, such as trading or processing. Below is a list of Xertek assays on concentrates and some common elements that may be analyzed according to the customer’s requirements.

Gold (Au) concentrates:

Gold assay in concentrates is a critical analytical process in the mining industry to determine the amount of gold present in each ore sample. The assay methods can vary depending on the nature and complexity of the sample, and typically involve a combination of fire assay, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry techniques. The working range of these methods can vary from parts per million to percent level, with corresponding uncertainties. The accuracy and precision of the assay results are essential to determine the economic viability of a mining project and are critical for effective decision-making. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully evaluate and choose an appropriate assay method that meets the required level of sensitivity, selectivity, and precision for a particular ore sample.

Silver (Ag) concentrate:

The determination of the amount of silver present in a concentrate is a crucial process in the mining industry. Various analytical techniques, such as fire assay, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, are employed to determine the silver content in concentrates. The working range of these methods can vary depending on the complexity of the sample and can range from parts per million to percent level. The precision and accuracy of the assay results are essential to determine the economic viability of a mining project and are critical for effective decision-making. Therefore, it is essential to choose an appropriate assay method that meets the required level of sensitivity, selectivity, and precision for a particular sample. The determination of the silver content in concentrates can be challenging due to potential interferences from other elements present in the sample. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the sample matrix and appropriate sample preparation techniques are crucial to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Common elements assayed for trading purposes:

Tungsten concentrates are traded based on their chemical composition and typically need to meet certain specifications for their elemental composition. The specific elements and their acceptable levels can vary depending on the buyer’s requirements and the intended use of the tungsten concentrate. However, here are some of the common elements that may be assayed in tungsten concentrates for trading purposes:

Tungsten Trioxide (WO3)

This is the primary component of tungsten concentrate and is usually the most important element that is assayed. The minimum acceptable level of WO3 can vary, but typically it is around 65-70% for most tungsten concentrate buyers.

Molybdenum (Mo)

This is a common impurity in tungsten concentrate and can affect the properties of the tungsten alloys made from it. The maximum acceptable level of Mo is typically around 0.5-1% for most buyers.

Copper (Cu)

This is another common impurity that can affect the properties of tungsten alloys. The maximum acceptable level of Cu is typically around 0.05-0.1% for most buyers.

Lead (Pb)

This is a harmful impurity that can cause health and safety issues during the processing of tungsten concentrate. The maximum acceptable level of Pb is typically around 0.05-0.1% for most buyers.

Zinc (Zn)

This is another impurity that can affect the properties of tungsten alloys. The maximum acceptable level of Zn is typically around 0.05-0.1% for most buyers.

Copper (Cu)

This is another common impurity that can affect the properties of tungsten alloys. The maximum acceptable level of Cu is typically around 0.05-0.1% for most buyers.

Other elements that may be assayed in tungsten concentrates for trading purposes include:

  • Nickel (Ni)
  • Cobalt (Co)
  • Arsenic (As)
  • Sulfur (S)

Arsenic (As) content:

The assay of arsenic in mining concentrates is an essential process for assessing the economic viability of a mining project. Arsenic can be present in a wide range of minerals, and it is typically analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

The detection range for these methods is from parts per million to percent levels, depending on the complexity of the sample. Sample preparation is a crucial step in the analysis of arsenic as the presence of other elements in the sample can interfere with the accuracy of the results. The accuracy and precision of the arsenic assay are critical to provide reliable information to stakeholders in the mining industry. The results of the assay are used to assess the environmental impact of the mining project and to make decisions about the use and disposal of the concentrate. Proper sample preparation and the use of appropriate analytical methods are essential to obtain accurate and precise results.

Antimony (Sb) content:

The assay of antimony in mining concentrates is a vital component of the mineral processing industry. Antimony is commonly found in sulfide minerals, and its assay is typically performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The detection range for these methods is from parts per million to percent levels, depending on the complexity of the sample. Sample preparation is a critical step in the analysis of antimony as the presence of other elements in the sample can interfere with the accuracy of the results. The accuracy and precision of the antimony assay are crucial to provide reliable information to stakeholders in the mining industry. The results of the assay are used to assess the economic viability of the mining project and to make decisions about the use and disposal of the concentrate. Proper sample preparation and the use of appropriate analytical methods are essential to obtain accurate and precise results. The antimony assay is an integral part of the mining industry, and the accurate determination of antimony levels in concentrates is crucial for effective mineral processing and environmental impact assessments.

Rare earth metals concentrate:

Rare earth metal concentrates are typically produced by mining and processing ores that contain one or more of the rare earth elements. These concentrates may also contain other metals and minerals, depending on the source of the ore and the processing techniques used.

The specific composition of rare earth metal concentrates can vary widely depending on the source of the ore and the processing techniques used. However, rare earth metal concentrates typically contain a range of rare earth elements, including cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, and yttrium, among others.

The demand for rare earth metals is expected to continue to grow as new technologies emerge and existing technologies become more advanced. However, the supply of these metals is limited, and there are few producers of rare earth metal concentrates worldwide. As a result, the production and availability of rare earth metal concentrates are closely watched by many industries and governments around the world.