Over half a century ago in Lima, Peru, and loyal to our founder’s mission, Xertek continues to grow as a leader in the quality assurance of every process involved in all the stages of the mining industry. Enabled by our broadness experience and our team of experts, we are proud to deliver and represent the most reliable and accurate source of information for all kinds of mineral structures. Which places us as the Peruvian company at the forefront of the industry offering a unique style of technical assistance to our clients in mineral assaying and inspections.


  • Industry: Mining
  • Company size: 100+ employees
  • Headquarters: Lima, Peru
  • Laboratory: Lurin, Lima, Peru
  • Founded: 2010

Job opportunities

By joining Xertek you will grow professionally and personally. We go beyond the simple delivery of accurate and timely reports. We offer the opportunity to extend your career path sharing values outlined by our code of ethics. Living the Xertek experience enriches your profile, within a respectful and friendly culture. We are committed to equal employment opportunity. We will not discriminate because of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or origin.

Live the Xertek experience working in a company servicing one of the most important industries in the world and the leading activity in Peru: Mining.

  • Commercial executive of customer service
  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Human resources
  • Chemical engineer, Chemists
  • Supervisor, Inspector
  • Sampler and sample preparator
  • Draft surveyor officer
  • Laboratory (atomic absorption analyst)
  • Laboratory (fire assay analyst)
  • Logistics & Maintenance
  • IT

Join Us

You can submit your profile here. Go to Contact Us to send us a message to start your application process. All your information will be kept confidential according to our Security Policy guidelines. Should you have any questions or require special assistance completing your application, please email